Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, ensuring your property is free from snow is crucial for safety and accessibility. However, many people make common mistakes during the snow removal process that can lead to injuries, damage to property, or inefficient clearing. Here are the top mistakes to avoid when clearing snow in Mississauga and Toronto.
Not Warming Up First
Any physical activity, including shovelling snow, requires warming up your muscles first. Stretch your arms, back, and legs before you begin clearing snow. This boosts blood flow to the muscles and prepares them for the work ahead. Warming up helps prevent pulled muscles and other injuries.
Using the Wrong Shoveling Technique
The way you shovel snow matters. Bending at the waist and tossing heavy snow over your shoulder is a surefire way to throw out your back. Always keep your back straight, and knees bent when lifting a shovelful of snow. Avoid twisting at the waist to throw snow to the side. Instead, pivot your whole body by taking small steps to move the snow where you want it to go.
Wearing the Wrong Clothing
What you wear when removing snow greatly impacts your comfort and safety. Dress in water-resistant layers to avoid getting cold and wet. Wear boots with good traction to prevent slips and falls—Don sturdy gloves with grips to protect your hands. Wrap a scarf around your mouth to warm the air you breathe in. Wear a hat under your hood to prevent losing body heat.
Not Taking Frequent Breaks
As mentioned earlier, pacing yourself is crucial when shovelling snow. Take frequent breaks to give your body a chance to rest and recover. If you feel pain or excessive fatigue, stop immediately. Listen to your body’s limits. Remaining stubborn and shovelling through pain often leads to injury.
Leaving Snow on the Roof
After a snowstorm, removing piled-up snow from your roof should be a priority. Excess snow, especially if it turns to ice, can collapse your roof. Snow left on the roof also increases the risk of ice dams and water damage when it melts. Use a snow rake to clear excess accumulation from your roof safely.
Neglecting to Salt Pathways
Simply shovelling or snow-blowing is not enough. You must also salt pathways and trouble spots prone to icing over for safety. Use rock salt or calcium chloride to melt snow and prevent slippery ice from forming. Pay special attention to treat steps, hills, and curved pathways.
Ignoring Signs of Frostbite
Frostbite occurs when the skin becomes so cold that the tissues freeze. Signs include numbness, stinging, and changing skin colour to red, white, or grayish-yellow. If you experience any warning signs of frostbite while clearing snow, go indoors immediately to warm up. Don’t continue working. Frostbite can permanently damage nerves and tissue.
Remember to avoid common pitfalls, such as underestimating snow amounts, using equipment that may not be up to the task, and overlooking safety precautions. Your efforts in these areas will pay off! If you find snow removal to be too challenging or time-consuming, consider reaching out to Regalport Landscaping. Our expert team specializes in snow removal services in Toronto and Mississauga that are tailored to your needs. We ensure your property remains safe and accessible all winter long. Contact us today!